The prophet (Pbuh) said:
"The best of you is the best among you in conduct."
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
The first week of school had been an excellent week. Students and teachers got to know each other. I am pleased to have such cooperative students.
During the first week, my 4D, 5C and 6 level 1 's students and I, have worked together to make the class rules, to discuss the consequences and have signed a contract to conform to these rules.
The rules are summarized in 6 points:
1- Follow the school rules
2- Treat everyone with respect (that means no shouting, no talking out of turn, listening to the teacher while she is explaining, raising hands to talk, ....)
3- Have all the books and material ready( when the teacher enters the classroom, clean up your desk and put your Arabic folder and book on the desk, start reading silently the current lesson).
4- Be in assigned seat and working when the bell rings.
5- Follow all of the directions the first time they’re given.
6- Ask the permission to move in class ( to get a tissue, to throw garbage, ....).
I will be using ClassDojo to monitor this behavior. So please check it at least weekly.
I will be using ClassDojo to monitor this behavior. So please check it at least weekly.
When the student applies these rules, participates in class, helps the other students..., he/she will get points in ClassDojo. At the end of the month, the three first students (those who have the maximum points) will be praised.
In the other case, the consequences will be as follow.
- warnings
- rule infraction slip
- action plan
- Blue form
If one of these rules is not applied during the Arabic block, the student gets an oral warning.
If he collects 2 orals warning during the same bloc for the same rule and he still doesn't cooperate, he gets a rule infraction slip.
Rule infraction slip
The student will have to write what happened in class and to give that slip to the parents to be signed then return it to the teacher.
This will be kept in his folder.
If the student collects 2 of these slips then he will have an action plan.
If the student does not return the slip signed, an e-mail will be sent to the parents.
The action plan
In that case the parents will be involved directly. The parents with the students will have to make an action plan in order to solve that problem. That action plan will be sent to me so I know what actions had been taken.
If the student gets 2 action plans, and still refuse to cooperate, he will have a blue form.
If the student gets 2 action plans, and still refuse to cooperate, he will have a blue form.
The blue form
At this stage, the Vice principal is involved and the consequences will be fixed with him.
Hopefully, we will not have to use theses consequences.
The involvement of the parents is very important, especially that our objective in the Islamic School is not only to have students that are academically successful but we are looking to have good Muslims too. The one that have Islamic Morals and Ethics.